Dimitrios Vlachakis

Dimitrios Vlachakis leads the Dark DNA group at the Genetics Laboratory at the Biotechnology Department, School of Applied Biology and Biotechnology of the Agr. University of Athens. He is a medical biochemist with postgraduate, doctoral and postdoctoral studies in the eminent fields of genetics, epigenetics, evo-devo, gwas, medicinal chemistry, pharmacophore elucidation and drug discovery. His PhD and PostDocs in the USA & the UK led to a series of publications and an international patent on antiviral drugs. Since 2012 Dr. Vlachakis has been serving as the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Molecular Biochemistry and as the deputy editor in chief for EMBnet journal. He was recently elected as an Executive Board member the European Molecular Biology network. To date, he has published more than 140 original peer-reviewed articles, 8 books, 3 scientific patents and has been on the receiving end of numerous grants and awards.


Dimitrios Vlachakis : Genetics Laboratory, Biotechnology Department, School of Applied Biology and Biotechnology, Agricultural University of Athens.