Meeting Frontinov October 2021

16 June 2021 par Super Administrateur
Frontinov propose a joint meeting around the theme of Inflammation with presentations of prestigious speakers. A first technology-oriented day, on 20-21 october 2021 Registrations are free but mandatory ...

In 2021, InnaSCo and Frontinov propose a joint meeting around the theme of Inflammation with presentations of prestigious speakers. A first technology-oriented day, in partnership with several companies will be dedicated to quantitative biology approaches for exploration of inflammatory responses. A Second day, in memory of Jürg Tschopp, will allow prominent scientists to present their recent data in the multidisciplinary area of inflammation and cell death signaling, with a special keynote lecture given by Dr Vishva Dixit (Genentech).

Registrations are free but mandatory



InnaSCo-FrontInov Meeting 2021 Registration :

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